Servicing Michiana for 25+ years


BNIN Email

BEWARE of spam, phishing, and fake e-mails. 
You will never receive an email from BNIN asking you to confirm your password,
reset your password, or click on a link. 
These are SPAM/PHISHING e-mails and should be DELETED.

BNIN Email Server Settings

When you set up your email in an email program, whether it’s Outlook on your computer or a mail app on your phone, you will need to enter these specific settings to make it work.
Incoming Server
(IMAP), Port: 993, Security: SSL (Recommended)
(POP), Port: 995 Security: SSL
Outgoing Server(SMTP), Port 465 Security: SSL
UsernameFULL email address, i.e.
PasswordYour BNIN Email password

Additional Settings:

Server LimitsEmail size limit: 35MB
Send to limit500 contacts (may request increase, up to 1000)
Email send limit500 per 24 hours (rolling window, may request increase up to 1000)
Address books500 contacts (may request increase)
New Account send limit25 emails/day increasing gradually to 500/day after two weeks
SPAM emailsMessages marked as SPAM cannot be forwarded